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FAMILY [Taxonomy: HBW - BirdLife (v3)]: Bombycillidae (Waxwings)

Species List [Taxonomy: HBW - BirdLife (v3)] (3)     Country: All Help 

The following Species belong to the family, Bombycillidae (Waxwings).

IUCN   Name Scientific Name Size Id R
 LC    Bohemian Waxwing (3) Bombycilla garrulus 18   R
 NT    Japanese Waxwing (0) Bombycilla japonica 15.50   R
 LC    Cedar Waxwing (2) Bombycilla cedrorum 18   R

Taxonomy: HBW - BirdLife (v3)

Genera: 1 (Family: 1)       Species: 3 (Family: 3)